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Is a simple and safe procedure to determine and quantify microorganisms in raw materials, in process, finished products and environmental monitoring.   The ready-to-use Compact Dry chromogenic plates are self-diffusing, rigid, stackable and stored at room temperature, saving valuable refrigerator space. 

To ensure reliability,  Compact Dry has obtained certifications from AOAC in the US and Microval and Nordval in the EU and Japan.

Compact Dry Microbial
Testing Platforms

Compact Dry AQ

Heterotrophic bacteria

Compact Dry AQ is a ready-to-use selective dehydrated media plate for the detection and enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water and ultra-pure water. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) includes bacteria and Yeast and Mold 

Compact Dry BC

Bacillus cereus

Compact Dry BC  is a ready-to-use selective dehydrated media plate for the detection and enumeration of Bacillus cereus known to produce toxins responsible for food poisoning

Compact Dry CF


Compact Dry CF  is a ready-to-use selective dehydrated media plate for the detection and enumeration of lactose fermenting Coliform in 24 hours without interpretation of gas bubbles

Compact Dry ECO

Escherichia coli

 Compact Dry is a ready-to-use selective dehydrated media plate for the detection and enumeration of for detection of Escherichia coli in 24 hours with no interpretation of gas bubbles.

Compact Dry

Escherichia coli/Coliform.

Compact Dry EC is a ready-to-use selective dehydrated media plate for the detection, enumeration and differentiation of Escherichia coli and Coliform in 24 hours with no interpretation of gas bubbles.

Compact Dry ETB


Compact Dry ETB is is a ready-to-use selective dehydrated media plate for the detection and enumeration of facultative, gram negative Enterobacteriaceae in 24 hours

Compact Dry ETC

Enterococcus SPP.

Compact Dry ETC is a ready-to-use selective dehydrated media plate for the detection and enumeration of Enterococcus ssp. in 24 hours.

Compact Dry

Listeria monocytogenes

Compact Dry LM chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes in food and are suitable for both in-process and finished product controls

Compact Dry

Listeria SSP.

Compact Dry LS chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of Listeria SSP. in food and are suitable for both in-process and finished product controls

Compact Dry

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Compact Dry PA chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and are suitable for the clinical environment, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products

Compact Dry SL

Salmonella ssp.

Compact Dry SL chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of Salmonella ssp.  in food and are suitable for both in-process and finished product controls

Compact Dry VP

Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Compact Dry VP chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus  in seafood products

Compact Dry

Total Aerobic Count

Compact Dry TC chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of Total Aerobic Count of Bacteria, yeast and mold in 48 hours

Compact Dry

Total Aerobic Count Rapid

Compact Dry TCR chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of Total Aerobic Count of Bacteria, yeast and mold in 24 hours.”

Compact Dry

Yeast and Mold

Compact Dry YM chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of yeast and mold in 5 days

Compact Dry YMR

Yeast and Mold Rapid

Compact Dry YMR chromogenic plates are ready to use for the detection and enumeration of yeast and mold in 72 hours

Compact Dry XSA

Staphylococcus aureus

Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in 24 hours or less


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